Saturday, March 20, 2010

Chore chart!!

This little man has started to have chores! Lucky him right??? I made a little chore chart this morning officially. The chart started off as a binky chart!!(That thing may kill me! Can't seem to get it off of it!! Sigh) Then me and the husband were talking and i was like let's reward him for other things. Soooo now we have the chore chart. We bought some fun stickers and when he fills his whole chart up he gets a toy. I wasn't sure how it was going to work, but it's been awesome!! He only has a few and we help him when he needs it. He makes his bed, (which is so cute to watch). Picks up his toys (which he did before and now he gets a sticker), when he gives us his binky for the day at night he gets a sticker (this is the one that may kill one of us but we're working on it), when he is good at the store he gets a sticker (terrible twos go away). He filled out his first one this morning. It was quite ghetto and made it about .2 seconds and only had 10 boxes to fill. Garrett and i decided we would be passed broke if we only did ten boxes.(he filled it up in like three days). So now each item has 7 boxes to fill with stickers. And he is really excited when he gets a sticker. Hopefully he continues to like it and does well. we'll see today he got a bat and beeseball. i love it when he says it!! HAHA

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