Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Happy Birthday!!

So I wanted to give a shout out Happy Birthday to my big sis yesterday, and got distracted. My older sister is one of my besties, love her like i love any sort of dessert. That's a lot if you know me!!:) My sister is so special to me and we have been able to do a lot of things growing up that a lot of siblings are just too far apart in age, or too cool to hang out with their own siblings. My sister never thought she was too cool for school. We went on double dates together, dances together, stayed up all hours of the night girl talking. The list goes on and on my friends. My sister has done so much with her life already and I am seriously so proud of her. She has count them three of the cutest kids i know with one being less than two months old and I can't wait to meet the little guy. She has graduated from college and worked as a dental hygienist pretty much since she graduated! (her husband has been in school and just applied for med school) She is amazing to me to every way. I am so lucky to have a sister like her. I miss her so much, we live too far apart and don't get to see each near as often as we would like. Let's be honest if we could we would probably be neighbors, ok maybe not that close, ok maybe..... I love You Alyssa, Happy Birthday!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is great I will agree. Its been so long since I have seen her, but Happy Birthday to her.