Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sick KIDDOS!!!

These poor kids have been sick for about a week. Addi is WAY worse than Brecken. Addi went in for her well check last week and the dr said she really looked good besides the little cold. Well that little cold turned into a demon around sunday night monday morning! She has this awful cough and has been cuddling non-stop, which if you know her you know if completely out of the ordinary. I hope these treatments help both of them, and they get better real quick!! PS I'm not smiling in the picture because I'm totally enjoying her unhappiness, I think her hating anything medical is sort of funny. She gets this totally huge pouty face and is seriously the cutest bug ever. This week has been really rough but Brecken has been extra good and helping addi do stuff if I'm in the middle of something. He is such a good big brother!!!

PS again, Brecken loved the "Achine" and even was willing to stop watching spiderman for a second to give mom a thumbs up!!! Addi wanted Garrett last night right after he took her picture so I handed her to him and 10 seconds later she coughed so hard from crying she puked on Garrett and in the machine. Thankfully it wasn't me!! haha. Thanks for taking one for the team babe! Garrett kept saying i'm gonna puke i'm gonna puke as I took the mouthpiece away from addi and walked away to the sink!! bahaha.

Happy to report after more screaming this morning, we sang songs and calmed down and realized it really wasn't that bad!! Such a good girl!!!

Needless to say These kids have been troopers this week!!!


Katy said...

aww.. i want to punch germs right in the face about now... it's just getting old! but the kids look so cute with their nebulizer masks on, adorable!!

Alan and Kiersten said...

i just thought you should know it's been almost a month since you last blogged...i'm just saying. love you!