Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sweet little Baby!

I woke up to Addi blowing chunks in her bed. So sad. I thought maybe it was just a one time thing but I was so wrong. So after a bath and changing bedding we put her in bed with us. I went to put her in the middle and Garrett so kindly informed me if she throws up again its going all over us. Good Point! So I move her to the outside and not five minutes later she was throwing up again.:( Good thing I brought in a bucket...yeah Garrett and I are super smart. I practically threw Addi out of our bed... She threw up basically every 15-20 minutes all night long, and finally tuckered out around 4:30. Then woke up at 7 and threw up all day! Poor girl!! It only lasted 24 hours thank goodness! I couldn't resist her sweetness in this picture with her crazy hair of course!

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