Thursday, April 19, 2012

3 Kiddos!

Everyone always says three is the hardest. I feel like two was harder than 3. First of all I have decided it depends on how far apart your kids are and also I think it depends on the personalities of the first two kids as well. Brecken is SUPER independent and is really self sufficient and LOVES to help. In the car its the nicest. Our car is well pretty little so Brecken can easily give Koop his binky or bottle. Addi loves to get diapers and take them out to the front door! The other thing that it is nice is Kooper is the only one in diapers. Hallelujah for that! This time around we aren't paying for two kids in diapers, also makes things easier and less messy! The time that three kids is hard is getting to church when garrett's back is acting up which I usually don't find out its hurting until 8:30 am. We have to leave for church at 9:45. So basically just sundays is kind of a pain! I love love love having three kids. Its hard to picture what life was like before little Pooper!

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