Thursday, April 19, 2012

Brecken's First Talk

I'm not sure why all the pictures on my phone seem to come out blurry, but whatever. I'm pretty sure you aren't suppose to take pictures like these at church but I did anyways. Whoops!:) He gave a talk about prophets. Garrett does this stuff. I can't. I get too nervous yes even in Primary. Garrett basically decided in sacrament what he was going to have Brecken do. Seriously Garrett is amazing, they will ask him in Sunday School to teach Priesthood the next hour and he will whip something out. I need a whole month to prepare! It seriously amazes me. Back to the Beaver. He kept mumbling in the beginning and I couldn't figure out what he was doing because he wasn't nervous. Then he stop and handed Garrett his gum. HAHA I was dying! Garrett just took it like no big deal and then brecken did so great. The part that I think I love most is he still has a hard time with l's and s's. So it was so cute listening to him. He did such a good job and then he went right and sat down with his huge class of like 13 kids!

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