Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Kooper's 1st Birthday

How sweet is he?  I put him in bed in the morning to nurse him..(it was FREEZING in our house) and he fell right back to sleep which NEVER happens!  So of course it must be documented!:)
 Birthday lunch!  PB and Jelly and cheese.  Yes he is still in jammies, it was a total chill day!
 I was going to do some big elaborate cake and then in the end I didn't want to deal with it, besides he could care less!
 Trying to open presents!  He was not really interested.  Which i'm sort of glad, now i don't have to worry about him opening christmas presents...(PS i'm not pregnant and hopefully not this fat, hahaha my sweatshirt was obviously not flattering and my workout shirt was not something i wanted in the picture! hahaha

 Look how tiny he is!
 Garrett and I were dying at this picture.  I still laugh when I see it.  How does his face do that!?
 He loves this thing!  Thank you Black friday!!  He also got a walker wagon from Grammy and Papa.  Daddy is going to put it together tonight!
 I feel bad in the videos I keep telling Addi to stop and let him try.  Needless to say I sound like a brat!  She was driving me crazy by 7:30 with no nap! hahaha Sorry Add mommy loves you!!
 hummmm what is this deliciousness?
 oh my gosh this is so good why did you people hold out on me!
 you want to take this from me...not a chance dad!
Happiest little guy EVER!!  Kooper has been a huge blessing in our family.  I don't know what is different this time around but I have seriously loved having three little ones.  This transition was alot easier than it was for 2 kids.  Breck is such a good help with him and so so gentle with him.  I know Breck will be someone that Kooper and Addi both look up to.  I tell Koop we are going to go get breck and he gets sooo excited!  Then when he sees breck its like they haven't seen each other in weeks.  I love it!  Addi is such a mommy to koop.  Today she told me kooper was poopy.  I was in the middle of doing the dishes and Addi said don't worry mom I got it....Then she proceeded to tell kooper to lay down so she could change his bum.  hahaha..  I knew I wouldn't have to worry about her getting his diaper off, the kid won't lay down long enough to even get him pants off.  She asks to help with him alot though.  I love having three kids.  I have really enjoyed kooper at every stage which I didn't feel like I did with Addi (like I said 2 was hard for me).  I feel more laid back and try to not be OCD about stuff.  Kids will be kids.  I'm working on trying to not care so much about what other people of my parenting (which can be hard).  :)  I do love my kids.  I love that I can now say I have a 5 year old a 3 year old and a 1 year old!  What the heck!  I have three kids!  I LOVE being a mom!  Kooper thanks for being such a great baby, my little mama's boy!  Happy birthday little one!

1 comment:

Rebekah said...

Soo cute!! Love all the pics! Happy Birthday coop!!