Thursday, February 14, 2013

Last Christmas in Phoenix

 These kids adore their grammy like no other!!!  I love it!  I love that they ask sometimes if it can be a special day and if we can go to grammy's it melts my heart that they are so involved in their lives and want to be I'm so grateful for that!
 Matching jammies.  I may or may not have decided to not preshrink the fabric resulting in everyone having high waters after christmas! hahaha
Santa's Loot!
 Breck got skates for christmas and we can't wait until its not so wet outside and is light long enough that we can go somewhere to skate!

 Gar and I went out on a "date" and had a ride all by ourselves on our dirt scooters!  Love that hubby!
 Did I mention this guy has lost like 10 lbs and has to be 2 or 3 holes in belt because it is too big!  Pretty proud of this guy!

 All of the dirt bikes.  Pretty sure I left the house for a few..... I think I was having a moment! hahaha Sad I missed this photo pretty cool and lots of fun was had by all!

We got to play with so many cousins and had so much fun!  We are going to be so sad that when we go see Grammy and Papa that we won't see aunt Jamelle, Uncle Jeff, Naomi and little Blair!  We love Phoenix!

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