Friday, May 21, 2010

Going Pee!!!

Me: Breck mommy has to go potty real quick.
We go into the bathroom.(we were at the store)
Breck: Are you sittin or standin mom? (we always ask him this when he goes)
Me: I'm sittin, girls always have to sit.
Breck: You don't have a wee wee?
Me: Nope.
Breck: Oh sorry mama, we get you one!!

Funniest thing ever. This kid seriously cracks me up all day long. He is pretty funny whether he's trying to be or not!! Love Him!!!


Katy said...

hahaha!! too cute! what did you say to him?

i'm a sissy la la and STILL just say "front bum" when Ava gets curious about herself... i need help!

Marissa said...
