Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Sick i Tell ya just Sick!!!

Okay folks i'm just putting it out there. I'm sick to death of being fat. I want to lose the rest of this baby weight. So today i start i mean i really start. I've had five pounds to go for five months and i'm done. I'm sick of it. This is the difference between after having Addi and after having Breck. Breck, i had in June and it was just me and that little bugger so we walked or ran everywhere. I was smaller after i had breck than when i was in highschool. I loved it and i felt great. I was working, so food wasn't an issue of bored eating and i was in school. With Addi however, by the time i could workout summer was over!!:( Garrett has been gone from 8 am to 10pm most days of the week. I'm not blaming him but when he's home then i can go workout without any interruptions and its amazing and i can just focus on myself. I bored eat constantly, especially at night its the worst. The kids are in bed and Garrett is gone. So today i am making time, setting aside me time, even if it means the kids come with me or i do one of my biggest loser workouts while Addi sleeps. Brecken will take off his shirt and participate in this event, guaranteed. There are virtually no treats in this house and nothing to make treats, and if i have to ride my bike just to get one it won't happen, so this is good!! I am writing down everything i eat, its a good way for me to keep on track and keep track of my serving sizes etc. So i am deleting my food blog and not focusing on yummy dinners, so if i find a good recipe i will post it on here!!:)
light egg muffin-
thomas whole grain muffin
2 egg whites
salt and pepper to taste
thin slice of swiss cheese or some kind of low fat cheese (i couldn't find any lowfat cheese so i used the thin slice)
1/2 cup strawberries.(on the side of course)
By using just the egg whites you cut out all the fat from the egg and the cholesterol.
If you made it through this congrats, this is sort of a journal for me!!!
I have also started studying for the ACSM(its a national certification to train) and so i may post some training stuff on here or fun facts, its been a great review so far!! Wish me luck!!!
This is the picture where i said enough is enough!!!


Unknown said...

So I don't know if this will help at all, but heres trying... We changed our diet pretty drastically after we found out about Cosette allergies... Well more I changed mine. I feel super guilty when I eat something she can't have so in the end i just don't. I gave up caffeine the day I had Cosette, and now I have given up soda. Just by doing this I lost about 5lbs. Then I stay away from almost all dairy and eggs. This includes anything that has eggs or dairy in it, which is almost everything sweet.... We eat a lot more fresh fruits and veggies (organic, if our budget lets us). Then last but not least, with the allergies it as forced me to read food labels on EVERYTHING, and let me just tell you that in and of itself will keep you from eating a lot of crap out there. I read also somewhere that High Fructose Corn Syrup has a chemical in it that leads you to think you are still hungry even though you have already eaten....
So after doing all of that, I am smaller now then I was in high school. Hopefully this helps a little bit. Oh and I don't even work out... I suck at it and I hate it, but I know I should probably do it...

PS. I have seen pictures of you and honestly you don't look like you need to lose a thing, but I understand the want.


Melly Mae said...

you. go. girl.

Katy said...

i will CUT you!

you're gorgeous...absolutely stunning and the MOST athletic girl in the universe!!!

But i totally get it... not happy with the weight thing myself!

I'm really really glad you're doing the blog thing with the weight... i swear up and down that it helped me lose 30 pounds (i have a BUTT LOAD of weight to lose)

Good luck, stay strong, you're AWESOME!!

ps. night eating the the WORST habit i have too... oh and every second of my life eating too.

Drew and Valarie's Family Blog said...

fat?! seriously?!

Curtis and Jennie said...

AMEN! We are on the same page cuz I feel the exact same. And I am trying to eat healthier as well. I agree with the comment on high fructose corn syrup - it is horrible for you due to the fact that it is sooo processed. You are better off eating regular sugar or try raw sugar (suganot). Anyway, I think you rock! Keep it up!