Monday, June 14, 2010


So this poor baby has had Diarrhea for two and half weeks now. I took her to the Dr last week and they said if it didn't get better after the weekend to bring her back in. I guess there is some nasty stuff going around. So when i found THIS, this morning I said enough. It was seriously sooo gross. It looks gross but it was all over her hands, her feet, her BOTTLE, it was seriously everywhere. I took her straight to the bath and then she smelt like heaven and I wanted to take a little nibble. She is totally fine and just wants to cuddle a little, just a little though (this chic does not cuddle, like ever). So when I took her back in they said Rotovirus is going around and even though she is vaccinated she can still catch it but it is not nearly as bad then if she wouldn't of been vaccinated. So now we are doing stool samples, so her bum is press and sealed and ready for action!!:) lucky her and me!! Hopefully she is better before we go to phoenix next weekend. I am also shoving the yogurt and Lactinex hopefully that helps!!!

1 comment:

Alan and Kiersten said...

ok that's pretty dang nasty. but she looks pretty proud of herself i must say. ja