Friday, July 9, 2010


Brecken has been having bad dreams I think lately, actually both my kids have I think. But Breck has spent the last two nights on our floor. I love to come up and see what different position he is in every night. Both our kids are not still sleepers, but I'm not sure what kid is. Addi is the worst, she never sleeps with us!! Brecken thinks my boots are cowboy boots and tries to put them on every morning. Nice huh!! I originally wanted to post about the bottom two pictures. I ran upstairs for two minutes (literally) while i was on the phone and came back to a very water colored boy. You can never leave him not even for two minutes. Its water colors so it came right off but he was sure proud of himself. It may be 12:30 and he is still in his jammies. He likes to have jammie days!! Just like his mama i guess!! I love him and he cracks me up!!

1 comment:

Alan and Kiersten said...

oh my gosh i love him so much! that pic with the boots is hilarious!