Tuesday, August 24, 2010

More Owies!!!

Brecken gets hurt often but its just a bump or a bruise here or there. There has only been one time when I thought the kid may need stitches. That has happened count them twice this week. His lip and then when we are on our way into church he slammed the car door on his head. AWESOME!! (and of course we parked on the opposite side of the church where the bathrooms are.) He cried ALOT!! It was really bad. He also ran into a door knob this week (yes he does this often) and has a black eye. Fabulous dude people are going to think we abuse our children. So just for a recap brecken has had 2 black eyes, a lip incident and a head wound in the 2 short weeks we have lived in CA pretty sure we should move!! haha. PS addi is also covered in bruises because the doll is learning how to walk. I bet people seriously are concerned for my children, but folks i swear i love them and would never hurt them!!! Please pray that nothing else bad happens, we don't have insurance for like another 3 weeks.
On a happier note we went to the splash park and beaver loved it and please notice the girl wearing the same swimsuit as addi i thought it was funny!! I didn't realize i had taken a pic with her in so i posted it. This park was cool but seriously lame-O compared to the splash park in Rexburg. haha

1 comment:

Alan and Kiersten said...

poor breck! you know my child is constantly getting hurt so i know people are always looking at me as an awesome parent. ha ha! addi looks so cute in her swim suit. i love it!