Saturday, October 9, 2010

Brecken Wins Mutton Bustin!!!

Brecken was the Youngest and the smallest by far that rode tonight. All the other kids were five and six years old and probably had 20 pounds on my little peanut. We watched the earlier show and the kids go. That's all Brecken could talk about. I was sort of against in the beginning, because it costs $10 and non-refundable if they decide to not do it. He was sooo excited we couldn't say no. He waited a whole hour, which is forever for a three year old. I'm not sure if we was more excited to wear the helmet and vest or ride the sheep. He kept telling Garrett, let's ride Dad, right now. He did amazing!! He stayed on for 8 seconds. He qualified for the championship next week, and qualified for the PBR (pro bull riding) finals that are in Vegas in two weeks. If he wants to do it and compete, he can win $5000 in a savings bond next week, and Vegas can win $10,000. You ask him if he wants to do it again and he's like no I ride two sheeps, or he says no cuz he'll fall off, so who knows we'll see in a few days!!


Brittani said...

that is pretty amazing~ what a proud moment for a daddy! and mommy too... but you guys can talk about this for years!

Katy said...

Holy crap!!! GO BRECKEN GO!!!!!! That's so awesome, i'm thrilled for you guys! I loved hearing Tashi's freakishly excited scream.... i loved it so much, that i too started screaming that loud... it's freaking out the neighbors.

seriously... what a moment!!! BIG fist pound for Big B!!!!

Marissa said...

What a stud! Breck, you better ride!