Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ever feel Inadequate??!!


Today I took Addi to the Dr for her 12 month shots(we had to wait for our insurance to kick in). It sort of has been a long day to begin with because we had to take Gar to work and then I've been running errands and packing for our move tomorrow. So I left about a half hour early so I could fill out paper work etc. The GPS lied and took me to the way wrong spot, so I thought that stupid GPS good thing I left early!:) Showed up waited 20 min to get into the room, and then waited in the room for 40 min. The dr comes in introduces himself, and starts asking some questions about us. Addi starts to scream, she seriously is afraid of men and most strangers. Brecken tried to climb up on the table and I said, "hey buddy we can't climb up there, you need to get down." Brecken obeys and starts to get down the dr takes his hands and says hey buddy you need to listen to your mom, can you go sit in that chair?" I'm like what the???? Addi screaming even louder. Then the dr turns to me and says I know your trying to deal with her but you really need to give him all your attention or he doesn't hear you. In my head i'm like am I seriously a totally horrible parent?? So he looks at Addi and has to leave for an emergency and then comes back. Addi proceeds to scream, and Asks me to hold Addi down while he looks at her. Like pin her down folks. I was like I have never had a dr like this before. I don't feel like i'm super picky about my drs, i'm really not a nut about it. If your good then your good right? So then Brecken tries to turn off the light, keep in mind it is now two hours past naptime and we have been here for well over an hour, with one toy from mcdonalds. I say hey dude, you can't turn the light off the dr can't see, this isn't our house we can't turn the lights off. Brecken again obeys, (seriously Brecken really is a good kid and I was thinking he was actually being better than I would expect, since it was two hours past naptime). The Doctor again talks to brecken and says brecken you need to sit in that chair while I look at your sister. It will just be a few more minutes, be a good boy. then turns to me and says "you need to make sure you have eye contact with him, or else he doesn't hear you." Seriously by this time I swear I had smoke coming out of my ears. He finished up and then we waited another forty five minutes for shots to come(just a "few" more min huh). Then 20 freaking minutes to check out. Needless to say I was slightly pissed when I left. Seriously am I that bad of a mom? Do I need to discipline my kid better? No my kid does not sit perfectly for five hours, but seriously whose does? After today I feel like I am not a good mom and seriously need to maybe take a different look at the way I deal with my kids? Then I talked to Garrett (who was slightly mad and said he is never looking at our kids again) and my Dad(I tent to vent to him as well, he's good for that) (dads are always a good self confidence booster I think they're biased) I realized I'm a dang good mom, no one knows my kiddos better than me. Brecken is a very active good little boy this is true. He is still so good and was seriously mad at the nurse when one nurse gave Addi all five shots. (At every other dr we've always had two nurses do them, is that weird do you only have one give them to your child??)
PS I'm not looking for sympathy, this is clear facts about what happened and how I felt. Vent Sess, if you will!!
PPS, Don't my kids look cute in their halloween outfits??? Brecken is a dinosaur rider again and Addi is either a butterfly and or an old dragon that brecken wore that we forgot about.


Pierson family said...

This is all very awful. I probably would have gotten up and walked out. I'm not one for patience when it comes to Dr./nurses dealing with my kids. I have always had 2 nurses give my girls shot that way they are poked at the same time without having to do it 5 separate times.

PS That little bee butterfly costume is so cute!!!

Me said...

Seriously steam coming out of my ears just reading it!
One of my very biggest pet peeves are people who try to over-parent me or other people's kids. Matt's sister does it, and it DRIVES ME NUTS!!! Not to mention that the doctor JUST met you guys. Whew...breathe...k, I'm calming down now.
I would (want to be but be to scared to) tell them off and how they completely lost my business.

I also love the little butterfly!
And I've actually never heard of two nurses doing it. Ellie got hers gradually, since she was so early her shot schedule was off, so she got different ones at different times. That is a good idea though, two nurses.

Love you! You're wonderful!!!

Marissa said...

Dude, that doc probably doesn't have kids of his own. or, if he does have kids, he is a doc, so he obviously doesn't deal with his own kids all day. he probably read that eye contact thing in a book and just regurgitates it out to parents. freaking moron. I am fired up just reading this. I'd be like, "damn-it, (don't tell luke I typed that) Doc! focus on addi, hurry your *ss up, I'll deal with my boy! hahaha Yeah, I'd be that fired up! haha. Gosh, don't go back to that guy. If he is going to be annoying like that, he doesn't deserve your business.

Melly Mae said...


My blood is boiling. WHAT A IGNORANT AND INSENSITIVE DOCTOR. Okay- one thing that I have learned since moving to LV is that when it comes to DOCTORS... seriously just go by word of mouth and hope they are contracted w your insurance... keep talking around until you find someone. We have gone through sooo many ped's in this city it's not even funny. Ca, I think, is similar.

PLEASE promise me that next time you will look the guy right in the face and say, "Look Dr., You do your job, and I'll do mine. I don't need parenting advice, but thanks for offering. Can I please get my dughters shots so that I can leave and NOT come back. I'm not trying to be rude, but you are making this worse."

YOU ARE AN AMAZING MOTHER. Don't you dare feel like you aren't. I look up to you in sooo many ways and have learned so much from you. I have always admired your patients and your attitude. You DO discipline your child, he DOESN't walk all over you, and that DR has no place suggesting anything because he doesn't even know you. He doesn't even understand children apparently. Having MD at the end of your name doesn't automatically make you super nanny or something.

Blah. Girl. I think you are great! Please smile and know that you are doing an amazing job!!!!

Miss you guys!