Wednesday, June 1, 2011


A few days ago B kept complaining that his mouth hurt and would sort of shriek out in pain, which I thought was weird for him. So I looked in his mouth and found THIS.... Uh can you say poor guy!! I tried putting some canker sore medicine on it and I remembered that stuff hurt like no other mother!! So after another day of screaming Garrett says why don't you call your sister. (My sister is a Dental Hygienist and well totally her area, PS her husband starts med school soon. So let's just say that family is SUPER SMART) I kind of went Duh I should of called her days ago. She recommended just putting orajel on it and giving him some tylenol. So basically anytime it hurt Breck would say I want the medicine auntie Yssa said to put on it not the owie kind. So she is basically Breck's Hero these days! So Glad its all better now. Not fun for him!

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