Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Big BOY!!

My mom and everyone else's mom probably takes a picture of every kid's first day of school every year. Well I am just like every other mom. Breck's very first, first day of school picture! #1. He looks way to big in this picture. What happened to my little guy, #2. He is seriously the cutest kid ever. Garrett LOVES this picture so I had to post it. (Hopefully one day I'll make this blog into a book so that we can keep it forever! Breck your Delish and I want to eat you up!


Anonymous said...

I remember how your mom had a school pic for each grade for each of you up in the dinning room.. oooh and randomness- rock candy ;-)

Alan and Kiersten said...

i seriously can't believe how old he looks in this picture!!! how is that possible?!?!? :( such a good boy.