Deer in the head lights muh? Look how cute he is though! He's like what the crap are you putting on my face and where did you put my binky....I want yesterday
So tiny! At his six month appt he weighed in at a whopping 15 lbs and was 24.5 inches long. I said looks like he's going to be like Uncle Jesse... Brecken looked at me all puzzled and said he's going to be grumpy? Uncle Jesse is always grumpy!!! I died laughing... (Let's just clarify, Jesse is not grumpy all the time, but he is not eager and full of energy to do things like breck does ALL THE TIME)
"Did you say Boobies? LUNCH??? OKAY" HAHA sorry maybe tmi..Too funny! This kid really is happy all of the time. Especially if he is being held! HE is a totally and completely mama's boy! The other day I was trying to finish making his baby food to freeze and just needed 10 more minutes. So garrett sat in the rocker and tried to rock him. the Rocker is in front of the counter to the kitchen, where I was working and anywhere I moved he just followed me with his eyes and screamed! I came over and held him and he immediately stopped....I gave him back to Gar and he started screaming again! hahaha The next morning I put him in bed with us and he was trying to climb on Gar and Gar was like oh now you want to be buddies! hahaha.
Kooper is officially on the move and army crawls or rolls EVERYWHERE. I am not ready for this for sure. To me he is still so little.. The other two kids were both 5 lbs heavier at this age....He is just teeny tiny! Love him so so much!
The first of many many messes to come made by Kooper! We need a bigger house! hahaha
He's TWO!
7 years ago
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