Do you see his I'm not gonna smile, smile!
Evil smile! hahahaha
"Mom Can I just stay with you, addi and Kooper...."
The first day was rough to say the least. One thing about Breck is he likes to take his time in the morning, and not be rushed out the door first thing.....His routine has changed and he doesn't do so great with that...(he gets that from me:)) So the whole day before he cried on and off whenever school was mentioned. But he got his bumblebee backpack and his transformers lunchbox and he was ready to go! We walked into school and the parents stayed for about an hour while the teacher repeated everything that was said at back to school night...I think the sticking around make him more anxious because it prolonged the waiting for school to start etc.... He walked with me and wouldn't let go of me at all....(can I say with a double stroller and other parents who are not paying attention made this slightly difficult..hahaha) So i leave addi and the baby in the hallway and walk him into class. He put away his backpack and everyone was gathering on the floor for a story. I gave him a hug and said I would be back in a few hours and to have fun and make some new friends......He just said, "mommy please don't leave me here alone, please don't leave me here along." as he is crying and won't let go. He was desperate to leave with us and it seriously broke my heart. His teacher saw what was going on and came. She gently took him and then I made a quick exit where I started to cry. None of us wants our children to be scared, or feel like we are "leaving" them. I knew he would be fine. It was just a new environment and he didn't have any new friends yet. One of breck's strengths is he easily makes friends with others. He is really social and loves having friends. I went to pick him up after school and she did awesome. So that was good to hear. And each day has gotten easier and easier. He is such a sweet little guy! I love him so much! It is definitely different not having him home for a good part of the day! I sure miss him a whole whole bunch!
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