Just a few minutes after...
Big ole knot on the top.
Day2. These pictures seriously don't do the poor thing justice.
This picture looks dark and may look like its a shadow but nope his ear is soo purple and disgusting. I feel so bad for him....
So right after church we were getting the kids lunch and Breck was sitting on his chair eating his usual PB and J. I turned around for a second and the next thing I know I hear him fall. He is literally screaming and jumping up and down totally flipping out. So I told him to take a deep breath and he wouldn't stop. I couldn't figure out what was hurting. Finally he stopped and said his ear. Right as I moved his mop of hair I saw it start to immediately swell and get a little knot on the top end and then it was like it was bleeding inside and you just watched his ear turn purple. I yelled a Garrett to get in from the grill and I sort started to freak a bit, but let's be honest what child breaks their cartilage....Garrett's like great now the wife is freaking out. So he comes in and goes whoa....
We sent a picture of his ear to our friend who is in his 3rd year of med school and really flipping smart. He said he probably broke his cartilage but just ice it there isn't much we could do. I had already called our pediatrician and on call dr called us back and said we HAD to take him in...urgh! We went in and they said just to ice it! Let me tell you that is one expensive ice pack! There wasn't a enough blood in there to drain and frankly I was kind of glad because Brecken is really STRONG for a five year old...hence why I brought G$ with me because I was so sure it would take both of us! So anyways as far as school goes I wrote a note to his teacher...There are 40 kindergartens in his class and its a little squishy. He is just sitting at a table during carpet time so he doesn't get bumped. Literally it is tender to the touch! So awful! Poor sweet little dude! He really has been a trooper! Who would of thought the first broken body part would be cartilage! hahaha
He's TWO!
7 years ago
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