Monday, May 17, 2010


These two have become quite good friends lately. These pictures are from a bit ago, our camera is MIA right now. Addi is crawling everywhere now and follows Brecken everywhere. If he goes upstairs she just sits at the bottom and cries until A. someone comes and gets her or B. Brecken comes back down. So funny!!! Addi's new love is the bean bag. It's those big ones that were before love sacs, yeah pretty rad the kids love it. Well its been behind the rocker and Addi crawls back there and gets stuck, so i pulled it out today and the kids played forever on it. Breck would of course jump of the couch onto next to Addi. She would just laugh, it was so cute. Then Breck of course landed on her and well it was bound to happen let's be honest. He was so cute with her and would say i sorry Addi and then they would go on playing. I love this stage with both of them!!! Addi says nana now and dada. Although i don't think nana is for banana but its cute anyways!!

1 comment:

Pierson family said...

Wait till she starts walking! It gets better. Now i can be like ok Cosette go play with Sissy and she will walk over and sit down and start playing with her. I love it and Elizabeth is such a good sport with her. I wish all of them could play together, although Elizabeth would see Brecken and hide and say "I shy to boys".