Monday, May 17, 2010

Goopy eye Gal!!

This sweet goopy eyed gal will no longer have goopy nastiness coming out of her eye as a 8:00 tomorrow morning. She is having surgery. I am scared beyond all reason, and I am excited to no longer have to clean gunk out of her eye every time i turn around. We have tried massaging and antibiotics which none have worked. So the next step is surgery. 10% of babies have to end up getting this surgery so i guess you could say its fairly common. And 20% of those 10% that have surgery have to have it twice because babies heal so quickly. So we're hopin and praying that this is a one timer for this girl. I'm not sure the mama could handle it twice. So please pray for her tomorrow. AND PS if she isn't cute i don't know what baby is. She is about as cute as they come. {please ignore the nasty photo of me, I have a headband in so i'm assuming i was on my way to work out or just got back, don't be judgin!!:)}

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