Saturday, May 15, 2010


Yesterday, Garrett and I met a guy named Jeremy he was helping out for the event today. (Garrett's internship put on a mud bog race.) So i was small talking with him where ya from, how any kids ya got dadadada. He has two boys and they are twins. They are four. Today i was waiting for Garrett and i saw the cutest little boy in a wheel chair, and then i saw another wheelchair. Then i saw Jeremy with his wife Jessica. They were putting the other boy in his race car.(they call them race car so cute!! Then i put it all together, i was like in total amazement by these people already. I went up and introduced myself and introduced Brecken to the boys Thane(gotta say i love this name) and Hunter. Seriously cutest boys ever. Brecken was a little stand offish at first but soon he was playing with the boys. They sat in bumbo's in the bleaches and just played trucks and bikes for hours.
I never want to act weird when their are people that are different around and make them feel awkward, i don't want brecken to be afraid to be their friends either. I talked to Jessica for probably five hours. Sweetest lady. Her boys have what's called SMA Spinal Muscular Atrophy(I think that's how it goes). I had never heard of it before and i'm totally interested in stuff like that. She was completely open about it. She wants people to ask about it. She said it is a mutant gene that she has and her husband has and both parents have to have it in order for their children to have it. Then its a 50% chance that the child will get it. She said its terminal their dying. Freaking breaks my heart. I hate it when kids have to suffer and have their lives cut short. Seriously not fair, not fair at all. They lack the neuron to make muscle so as soon as they are born they start to lose it. They talk normal and have the cutest personalities. They just can't crawl or walk. They are all boy just like Breck. They really aren't that different then any other kids right now. They try and do tons of stuff with them and make their lives great. She said the average life expectancy is maybe early adulthood. What would that be like as a parent? This is one of those days that life gets put into perspective. Children are a gift and everyday that you have with them is a blessing. I can't imagine life without my little midgets. I hope that Brecken can keep hanging out with these little guys and be their friend. So today i am again grateful that my children are healthy, today i am grateful for the plan of salvation, and that i can be with my family forever. Today the zuk motor blew and garrett wasn't even being crazy in it and some how today i don't care. It's just stuff. Don't sweat the small stuff, pet the small stuff!!:)


Alan and Kiersten said...

ok she is amazing. yes i needed to gain a little perspective today. how funny that we were totally talking about that kind of stuff earlier. thanks for sharing. we're so blessed!

Melly Mae said...

wow. how could i ever complain about... anything? brody is in bed right now with a fever and i am flipping out. i can't even imagine. i am so grateful for my blessings and for people like that who are such amazing example to us all... even people they haven't met!! thanks for posting this girl. love you guys!

Erica Jessop said...

I have a friend's blog and they little girl has the same thing, it is HEARTWRENCHING seeing what they have to go through with her! I too thank my lucky stars that I have not one but two healthy little girls! Thank you for sharing that.