Friday, January 21, 2011

Brecken's lEtTeRs!!!

When we went to the Dr I guess technically it was yesterday I talked to the Doc about my concerns of Brecken not wanting to learn his ABCs and visually his numbers, and colors. Breck's response is always I dunno or I can't remember, or NOOOOOOOOO!!!! Brecken is really smart and excels at literally EVERYTHING else. But its seriously been a stressor, I don't want him to struggle in school. The Dr assured me that girls are up to two years ahead at this point and do not worry!! Hes fine. I was worried he may have ADD and the dr said, sure he does but so does every other three year old and he will grow out of it. I have already seen changes in him already in the last 6 months. BLESS ED day!!! Don't you worry he's still crazy old Beaver. We came home and he was watching pooh's ABCs that we got from the library and brought this out!!! I seriously almost cried!!!! No help from me whatsoever!! That booger. I keep telling myself its on his terms and no need to stress which probably only makes it worse!!

1 comment:

Alan and Kiersten said...

OH MY GOSH! i knew he had it in him! that's SOOOO good! i love it! good job breck!!