Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Jesus wants me for a SUNBEAM!!!

Brecken started Sunbeams on Sunday. I seriously can't believe he is three. I can't believe I am getting ready to sign him up for preschool. He is so big and I am so proud of my busy little beaver. He is so sweet to his sweet sister and I love that they are playing more and more together. Addi gets into Brecken's stuff and then she runs like the dickens seriously its hilarious!!! Beaver we are so proud of you and your sweetness that you bring into our home. Thank you for being my cuddle buddy whenever daddy is gone. You bring us so much happiness to our home!! YAY for sunbeams.

PS I did not shed a tear when he went into sunbeams. I'm in nursery now so I was happy when all 12 of them left!

1 comment:

Alan and Kiersten said...

oh my gosh he's the cutest sunbeam EVER!! i miss my cuddle buddy!