Wednesday, August 10, 2011

It starts today!!!!

Breck starts school today and it is oh so bittersweet. He is basically over naps these days even if he needs one and its literally a fight to get him to lay down, unless I lay with him....sigh! So being that our apartment is literally 850sq ft, you can make zero noise when the midgets sleep or they wake up. So annoying to me and to them. So it will be nice that I don't have to keep telling Brecken to be quiet with his toys or he needs to be quiet so the lil lady can get her beauty sleep! But Oh how I will miss him. I know it sounds silly and I didn't think I would be so emotional about it but I am. When did he get so big?

Last night Breck said family prayer and it was oh so sweet. He still needs a little help and I couldn't help him because I thought I would cry (I totally blame the raging pregnancy hormones). It went like this..... Heavenly Father thank you for this day, thank you for keeping us safe. Thank you for the missionaries coming over for dinner, thank you for mommy, daddy, thank you addi, and baby bentwie (bentley, i love love love how he says his name and addi calls him bent another story for another time but too cute) please bless zach, derek and andrew on their missions, and please bless that i will have fun at preschool tomorrow (enter tears from me, trying to hold it together) garrett says in the name of Jesus Christ and then breck says amen, can't quite get that part down.

Oh how I love this sweet boy more than anything. I so hope he has fun and he learns like a sponge because he sure does not enjoy doing it at home. He met his teacher yesterday and said "mom I like my teacher. She is nice. Daddy said she was mean. He was just teasin mom." Oh he is so delicious. I'm going to miss his craziness and those dimples for 3 whole blessed hours everyday. So I am totally praying I can keep it together because I want him to know this is a good thing, and I KNOW he will love it!

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