Look at those sweet chubby cheeks!! Love this little sassy pants!
The masterpiece that I'm pretty proud of!! Thank you Pinterest!
All of Addi's boyfriends showed up to the party. Do you know that Addi doesn't have any little girls here that she hangs out with... All boys! (we miss Macy)
Pool party and BBQ.
Actual Birthday! Happy Birthday Pretty Little Lady!
You little spicy diva you!
We found a groupon and did storyland and Playland....umm bust! Seriously disappointed. Storyland you get a key and you put it in these boxes and its suppose to read you a story.. It sounded like a drive thru from the 80s and only 2 out of 12 worked and I think one of those was spanish.
Our shy little lady.. Did I mention it was HOT HOT HOT!!!
Thank you grammy for taking us!
Addi wanted to wear her hat like Grammy!
With Mother hubbard!
Kooper cried most of the time! IT was hot did I mention that??:)
The boys found bumblebee, or as breck calls him "bumblebeem"
Showin Breck how its done!
Doesn't she just look hot???
This is when she opened tangled from Grammy...I think this was her favorite!! She has watched it more times than I know and still loves it! She also Got a scooter (sometimes called a tooter, or a shooter) :) Love them both! Thanks Grammy!!
She got to pick some other things out...She got a microwave for her kitchen, and guitar that has an ear piece microphone that the kids love to yell, right left uppercut into....(have you seen real steal, its from that and its a family fav around here)
The playland side was fun! They had lots of carnival type rides for the kids. The kids played for about an hour and then we were so hot and addi was wearing her thin skirt and refused to wear shorts under so almost every ride she would say her bum was hot and that it hurt... The last ride we went on was the tilt a whirl. We were about a minute into it, and Breck's face went white and he said I want off I want off. Luckily we were the only ones on there so I gave the cut signal to the guy and he let us off. HAHA so glad breck did not barf! hahaha I think fun was had by all...Addi keeps asking everyday if we can go back.
He's TWO!
7 years ago
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